Menopause Wellness Program
To provide a framework and some structure, the Menopause Wellness program follows a loose format with each session focussing around a particular theme, such as symptoms, sleep, and nutrition. During the first session we look at how the perimenopause, menopause or post menopause is affecting you and your life, and identify the area that you want to tackle the most and why.
This menopause wellness program is NOT set in stone...sessions need to be flexible and responsive to you and your needs. This means that we can easily adapt your sessions in a way that suits you the best.
The best way to find out how is to book a FREE 30 minute session so we've got plenty of time to talk it over.
Price per session is £50.
Menopause Wellness Program Format & Session Themes

Meno Wellness Wheel
Session 1
Menopause symptoms
Session 2

Session 3
Sleep and Fatigue
Session 4

Session 5
Session 6

Activity & Exercise
Session 7
Workplace, Career or Vocation
Session 8

Holistic Menopause Remedies:
Traditional & Alternative Treatments
Session 9